5-MTHF - Thorne
5-MTHF - Thorne
Support heart health, fetal development, nervous system, and mood with 5-MTHF*
5-MTHF is a bioactive, methylated form of folate, an essential B vitamin that supports heart, brain, blood, and bone health and is suitable for individuals with MTFHR gene mutations.*
Folate is a key component in the body’s methylation cycle, a series of biochemical reactions that play a beneficial role in multiple body systems. Heart and brain health, cellular energy production, fat metabolism, liver detoxification, and bone health all rely on a healthy methylation cycle.
Approximately 60 percent of U.S. adults have a genetic variation that makes it difficult for their methylation cycle to function optimally. For these individuals, methylated vitamins, like Thorne’s 5-MTHF, provide essential nutritional support.*
- Sustainable product
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